05 April, 2007

Eternal sunshine of the goreless mind

Long time no-see-gore. Recently I've been quite busy with
my new job so I haven't really had the time to 'unleash the dragon'
and draw disturbing images.
However I hope to get back on track as soon as i get the work issues
settled and you will have gore once more.

And I promise you this! Should I come across a strange derelict in deep space and make
millions and millions off it I'll make GBG a daily comic. Since I don't see that happening
in the near future I must ask you to be patient and remember this:


Anonymous said...

Well... Yay!

Anonymous said...

Gore to know you're alive at least! ESotSM is a kickass movie speaking of nothing... if the job troubles too much you should get yourself a humonguos masterblaster and have a talk with your boss. *sprinkles a pinch of salt on the last sentence* Oh hells yeah!

Anonymous said...

aga ma ju tahan...! : (

Anonymous said...

I miss GBG ='(

Anonymous said...

yey! fountains of new gbg! but... when?! :O

Anonymous said...

Good post.